How To Monitor A Commercial Building For Water Damage

Water damage can impact your business operations as well as require expensive repairs, so it is very much a double whammy to your bottom line. Spotting developing damage early allows you to bring in a restoration service before the problem becomes too severe and expensive.

Flood Monitoring

One of the single best ways to prevent major water damage in your building is with a flood monitoring system. These systems are recommended for basements and building levels that are below the surrounding grade. They are also recommended for commercial buildings that are located in or near flood plains and other flood-prone areas.

Sensors are installed in the building in areas where flood waters, whether from outside sources or inside sources like burst plumbing pipes, are most likely to invade. If higher-than-normal moisture levels are sensed, the monitors alert your facilities management team so they can investigate and solve the problem. Although a monitoring system may not completely prevent water damage, it can help you avoid the extensive damage that occurs when you can't respond immediately.

Exterior Inspections

Another necessary step to avoid floods is doing an exterior building inspection. The main two components to inspect are the roof and the foundation. Other than obvious roof leaks, the roof drainage and gutter system must also be checked to verify that they are emptying properly and that there are no leaks or clogs. Further, you should inspect the roof after rain to make sure water isn't ponding on the surface. Seals between rooftop appliances and vents must also be in good condition, with no cracks or leaks.

Foundation damage can sometimes be visible as cracks, either on the exterior or interior of the foundation. Gaps between the foundation and siding are another cause of leaks, as are drains and gutters that empty too closely to the foundation. Further up the wall, gaps in siding as well as water leaks around windows can also lead to water damage inside your building.

Plumbing Checks

Interior leaks that aren't caused by environmental flooding are often the result of plumbing leaks. This is especially true in older buildings that may have rusted or corroded plumbing pipes. An annual pipe inspection can catch these leaks early, before water damage becomes too extensive.

Fixtures are another common cause of water damage. Boiler leaks, for example, can lead to major damage in the basement or boiler room. Clogged HVAC drains may back up into the building and lead to water damage on the roof. Toilet and sink leaks, as well as clogged waste pipes, are other common causes of commercial water damage.

If any of your monitoring and inspection protocols reveal possible water damage, contact a commercial damage restoration service immediately. Prompt action can help you avoid the need for major restoration and repairs.

About Me

Choosing To Create A Better Home

I have always been one of those people who are really interested in making my home a better place, which is why I started looking into repair and restoration in the first place. I began thinking carefully about what I could do to make my home better, and before I knew it, things had really taken off. I started my project by working hard to rip out the ugly tile in my kitchen, and then I started focusing on repainting my entire home. It was really interesting to see how the entire space brightened up once I made those changes, and I am still grateful I started. Check out this blog for more information on repair.



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